Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Desperate Housewives

"Desperate Housewives" is made up of an interesting breed of characters. The "wives" in this program are indeed desperate- for either a "perfect" relationship with one of their thousands of desirable suitors, or from keeping their already crumbling marriages from falling apart. I've not seen one character on this show who is truly happy with what they've got. 
"I envy you" 
"Why? What are you talking about?"
"You're so detached. You treat men like tissues. You can throw each one away after using them." 
"Well honey, here's the difference between you and me. I want men. You need them. You're weak." 
"My father left me and my mom and took away all my ceramic horses. After that, I've never trusted men again."  
So, Desperate Housewives is like a comedy-drama about not gaining happiness from relationships... and I guess it's entertaining. But what I enjoy more is the sinister mystery going on in each season. In the first season, it was the murder of Mary Anne Young and how her son was actually conceived. These murders and mysteries are not all serious, some are actually quite funny. It's a great sense of originality in the program. 
I suppose Desperate Housewives has some relevance to our lives as well: as people who always search for happiness in others instead of happiness within ourselves. But here's the irony-  only in TV shows can people get over cheating husbands and sudden tragic deaths. That's what makes them so fun to watch- people move on to better things. 
Of course, characters have to fall again, so we can watch them get back up. 
So I don't want to like this show, but I do.