Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stand By Me

I did not do much research before watching Rob Reiner's "Stand by Me." I assumed that since it was about four twelve-year old boys going on a hike across town, it had to be innocent. Boy, was I wrong.
"Stand By Me" is more for adults. Not only because the beginning shows the young gang smoking and gambling, but also because their plan is to hunt for a dead body.
I am not saying that "Stand By Me" is inappropriate-- just that it is something I did not expect.
However, the movie does have some redeeming qualities, like its main characters. You've got the leader Chris (a highly confident River Phoenix), the daring Teddy, the scared Vern (whom I would personally identify with), and the sensitive Gordie. I enjoyed the infallible friendship between the characters: the type that makes you feel nostalgic when the ending credits roll.
Other than having a good cast, the movie has a great song. "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King almost made me cry in the last scene.
Ironically, this movie isn't for kids, but it is kind of about them. For example, it shows how kids SOMEHOW manage to accommodate the most annoying person in their group. When I was in elementary school, my bully was my best friend. It hurt, but I put up with it as though there was no other choice. When I think of it now, there was probably no way I could've handled a girl like that in high school... I guess being young makes you dream more about the impossible.
So should you watch Stand By Me? I think it is sentimental and sweet in its own gritty way, and I really felt for the twenty-six year old Gordie when he says, "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"