Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Hunger Games

Hunger Games is a good summer movie. It is filled with action, some wry humor and a spark of romance. Is it worth watching though? Well, here's my opinion (with a summary first...)
"Hunger Games" is a science fiction movie about a despotic government that controls twelve districts out of fear.... and possibly hope. They spark this hope and instill this fear out of a TV show called "Hunger Games" that occurs every year, involving two tributes (one boy and one girl) from each district, aged 12-18, who are chosen purely by chance. The Hunger Games involves these twenty four children trying to kill each other until one sole victor remains. And that victor's district gets a bunch of donations from the government (aka Panem). An example of how unfair and biased the system is can easily be seen by the awful and barren environment of the higher numbered districts, where people barely have anything to eat.
Lucky for District 12, however, their tribute (who rushes to replace her sister as a volunteer in the reaping) is a skilled huntsman who uses her intelligence and the support of her fellow tribute Peeta, to come out (SPOILER ALERT)... alive.
Overall, I think the movie is well-made. The Central City of Panem is depicted very well with all the citizens wearing flamboyant makeup: fake eyelashes and all. The island doom that the contestants must face is also well portrayed. It is shown as an area that breeds violence, but not to the extent of warranting an R rating. Jennifer Lawrence is spectacular in the role. She is good as a grim and down-to-earth warrior.
Would I recommend you to see this movie? If you are a general fan of science fiction, then this would whet your appetite.