Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Moon

I did not expect anything from "New Moon." I sort of walked in with a clean slate: without having done any prior research, or without having consulted Richard Corliss or Roger Ebert. That's why I am not at all surprised that I found New Moon to be a fun movie. I thought it was much better than the slow-paced first one- which yielded an entire scene of two people staring at each other while lying on grass.
One of the entertaining additions was the character "Jacob Black," who's hotness exceeds Edward's by a factor of a million. I wouldn't be disappointed if the directors decided to make Jacob and Bella a pair by the end of the series. 
Another addition is the awesome special effects... Jacob transforming into a werewolf is the coolest scene in the movie. I also like Victoria (the villain)'s lurking mysteriousness.  
Of course, the acting is eh, the drama is eh, the plot is eh. But the rest makes up for it! This is a movie after all, not a word by word reenactment of the bleeding wistfulness and desire in Stephanie Meyer's novel. 
So you should watch it! And see how you like it with no expectations. 

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