Friday, October 20, 2017

Indian Movie

I have somewhat of an issue with the premise of this movie.


It seems to me that the assaulter in this movie is ironically more of the victim, and the people at fault had gotten away with a crime that nobody feels happy about (including them).

Long story short, the movie is about a man whose daughter gets harassed by one of her classmates, who threatens to post a video of her changing on youtube. What will it take to stop him, her having intercourse with him.

He leads her to a point where she is vulnerable, and she tells her mom about the situation. Her mom's reaction is where the movie becomes over-dramatic. The mom, instead of calling the cops, or even his parents, proceeds to sob and is almost close to yielding to his desire. Meanwhile the daughter finds a club, and in an attempt to smash his phone with the video, ends up clubbing his head instead. The kid dies, and now the family has to cover up this murder scene.

The father steps in, covers all tracks and creates a story that implies the family was traveling during the time of the murder. They are still suspects in the eyes of a couple of cops. The first is one who literally sees the father drive the boy's yellow sports car and the second is the mom of the boy, who is also the head of Police of the state. The family is abused to speak the truth, but no one lets up.

When the youngest girl of the family agrees to show the buried body, they find a dog's instead. The father really covers up the tracks.

The hindi movie element here is that the father learns all of these murder tracking skills through watching movies.

At the end, the father intelligently calls upon the media during unveiling of the dead dog's body to reveal the family's unwarranted abuse by the police department. The Police of the state is suspended, and the cops are all fired.

Eventually the father meets with the ex-Police of state and her husband to not so indiscreetly admit that his family did commit the murder. There could have been a recording there! But alas, this is a Hindi movie.

That's the story. Think what you will, but it is decent in terms of suspense and flawed in terms of premise.
That's my verdict.

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