This movie's a spinoff of the original Cutting Edge movie, released in 1992 about a hockey player becoming a figure skater on ice...
Except this time, the changer is a girl played by Francia Raisa, a well-complexioned, hot figured latino girl. Her veteran figure skating partner is practically a backstreet boy model, played by the hot Matt Lanter. Is this realistic?? Ehhh, not really. Is this worth watching?? Not quite (at least in my opinion...).
A lot of the stuff is dramatized. For one thing, the relationship between Matt Lanter and Francia Rasia's characters. Now, I never thought the relationship between figure skating partners HAD to be romantic, but that's what the movie seems to be proving... and it might seem to make sense, I mean you're touching your partner in intimate places and chemistry does play a huge role. When Matt Lanter's character tries to pull away from that romantic connection at one point in the movie, it is awfully frustrating for Francia's character, because a part of the game seems to be the tension between the players. And Francia and Matt are somehow doomed to fall in love from the beginning because if it isn't so, then neither can skate comfortably, and neither would be happy either... That's what this movie seems to be proving...
HOWEVER, often times in real life, people do not HAVE to fall in love to be figure skating partners and so at times I kinda felt that their whole relationship was too dramatized.
NEXT, in a STATE competition, Matt Lanter's character (Zack) falls and trips over Raisa's character (Alejandra). Despite this cardinal mistake, they still get 4th place, and then by luck of a cheating couple, they get 3rd and then go to nationals. This is highly improbable. Generally, IF you FALL, YOU'RE OUT!!! That's it. There is no chance, whatsoever. Especially in a state competition...
Anyways, I like Francia here much more than in the Secret Life of the American Teenager. She is more natural and has the potential to be a fun person, although at times she's nosy.... Matt Lanter is quite the hottie, although at times his voice is too earnest for the role (in my opinion...)
It was quite obvious that Francia and Matt weren't really figure skating throughout, there were doubles that were doing the difficult parts (if you look closely on the screen, ya can see)....The doubles actually did almost the WHOLE national competition - do I have any qualms about that??? Not really, but it was quite obvious....
SO....No need to really watch this movie. But if ya wanna kill time, I suppose it's okay.
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