Friday, December 18, 2015

Love Actually... is Amazing!

I just finished watching my favorite romantic comedy of all time: Love Actually. It is charming in every sense of the word, and epitomizes the cheery essence of the holiday season.
The film is star studded with Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Laura Linney, Kiera Knightly,  Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. It is a joy to watch.
Love Actually is about a group of people, all interconnected, and their own encounters, trials and tribulations with love.
Sounds emotionally draining, but Love Actually is actually a very happy movie.
With the motto, "Love actually is all around",  Love Actually succeeds at being heartwarming and relatable.
It is unbelievably sweet and funny in unexpected places.
If you haven't watched this film yet, you are missing out. Especially if you're a sucker for romantic comedies.
This one beats all in my opinion.

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