Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gossip Girl

NOTE: I wrote this last semester... 

I am now feeling surprisingly guilty- I just took the SAT IIs, feel as though I’ve failed, and have now wasted the last three hours watching gossip girl to remove my woe. Now, what I feel is even more frustration.

Anyways a review for Gossip Girl:

Gossip Girl is something I did not expect I would find so entertaining. It had all the symptoms of a no-brain- all waste program; the kids do drugs, smoke, sleep around and have humungous egos. But if there is one thing it has taught me- when it gets nicer, some entertainment value is lost. In season 1, this show was tagged “mind-blowingly inappropriate” by one reviewer and another argued that it was “Bad For You.” But is it really that bad? Well it depends on what kind of person you are and how carried away you get with what you see on television. Although Gossip Girl has quite a few ugly characters, I do not think that its intent is to pass on any life messages. The whole lifestyle is a fantasy. And as a viewer and consumer, you have to understand that. You can be the most innocent person in the world, but enjoy watching gossip girl for some entertainment. It’s not quality, but it’s something to escape to. We enjoy it because we see characters on screen make stupid mistakes and criticize them. We enjoy it because three-fourths of whatever we see, we do not wish to implement ourselves. We enjoy it because it is not reality. Period.

That’s why I enjoyed Season 1 above all others: it was naughty, but it had a lot more wit. They should have stopped it at Season 2 when Chuck and Blair got together, why carry on to Season 3? Seriously... 

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